Event-based and State-Automata-based Modelling of FMS

Simulation Notes Europe SNE 20(1), 2010, 38-44
DOI: 10.11128/sne.20.bn02.09968


By implementing the ARGESIM Benchmark C2 “Flexible Assembly System”, the simulation system Flex-sim, the Matlab/Simulink-toolbox Stateflow, and the equation-based modelling language Modelica are compared to each other. Based on the different modelling techniques, the systems will be described and analysed from an automation point of view. Subsequently, the modelling approaches of state-automata (Stateflow) as well as object-orientation (Flexsim) and equation-based modelling (Modelica) are reflected. The analysis includes (1) the time and efforts that are necessary for the modelling process itself, (2) the complexity of the implementation, (3) the possibility to analyse the simulation results, and (4) the possibility to separate control algorithms and controlled system in the implementation.